Appell: Umweltabkommen vor WTO-Regeln

Brief an den Bundeskanzler/ Aufruf


20. August 2002


Dr. Gerhard Timm
Fon: 0 30/2 75 86-4 30
Fax: 0 30/2 75 86-4 60

Herrn Bundeskanzler
Gerhard Schröder
Willy-Brandt-Straße 1
10557 Berlin

Berlin, den 20. Aug. 2002

Johannesburg-Gipfel: Umweltabkommen vor WTO-Regeln

Sehr geehrter Herr Bundeskanzler,

wenn Sie in wenigen Tagen nach Johannesburg zum Weltgipfel für nachhaltige Entwicklung reisen, dann steht noch viel auf dem Spiel. Insbesondere die politische Erklärung der Regierungschefs kann noch beeinflusst werden. Mit dieser Erklärung könnten die Regierungschefs ein Zeichen setzen, dass sie die Sorgen der Menschen weltweit um die sozialen und ökologischen Folgen der wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung Ernst nehmen und bereit sind, der wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung klare soziale und ökologische Grenzen zu setzen.

Sie selbst sprechen oft von der Notwendigkeit von "Leitplanken" für die Globalisierung. Wir bitten Sie deshalb, sich intensiv dafür einzusetzen, dass in Johannesburg beschlossen wird, dass multilaterale Umweltabkommen nicht den Welthandelsregeln der WTO untergeordnet werden dürfen. Idealerweise sollte diese Forderung noch in das Aktionsprogramm integriert werden. Sollte dies nicht mehr möglich sein, ist ein eindeutiger Satz zu diesem Thema in der politischen Erklärung der Regierungschefs um so notwendiger.

Wenn der Johannesburg-Gipfel die Autonomie und Autorität multilateraler Umweltabkommen nicht eindeutig bestätigt, wird die Entwicklung wirksamer multilaterale Abkommen zum Schutze der Umwelt und der Gesundheit der Menschen weiter "eingefroren" bleiben. Heute will niemand Vereinbarungen unterzeichnen, die potenziell von der WTO angegriffen werden könnten. Johannesburg muss deshalb eine eindeutige Botschaft an die laufenden Verhandlungen zum Thema Umwelt und Handel innerhalb der WTO senden: Umweltabkommen haben, sollte es zum Konflikt kommen, Vorfahrt vor

Anbei ein von unserem internationalen Netzwerk Friends of the Earth International initiierter Aufruf zu diesem Thema, der bereits von über
150 Organisationen in 49 Ländern unterstützt wird. Er zeigt, dass in diesem Punkt klare Worte der Regierungschefs von der globalen Zivilgesellschaft in Johannesburg erwartet werden.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme in Johannesburg, die wir ausdrücklich begrüßen, und setzen auf Ihre Unterstützung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dr. Gerhard Timm


Bundesminister Jürgen Trittin
Bundesministerin Heidemarie Wieczoreck-Zeul



Why is there concern?

UN member governments have an opportunity in Johannesburg to make a clear statement concerning the relationship between Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and WTO trade rules, in order to reaffirm the authority and autonomy of MEAs and to ensure that MEAs are not subordinated to or undermined by the WTO.

At the 4th WTO Ministerial Conference in Qatar, WTO Members decided to launch negotiations on the relationship between MEAs and trade rules because there has been some uncertainty about the relationship between certain MEA provisions and WTO trade rules. Today, around 20 MEAs have trade-related provisions.

It is known that due to the rapid development of WTO rules with strong enforcement measures, the implementation of some MEA trade provisions have suffered from a "chilling" effect, with some members arguing that some MEA trade provisions would not be compatible with WTO rules.

Negotiations will come to first results at the next WTO Ministerial Conference in Mexico in 2003.

At stake here is the very question of global governance, where the MEAs represent a rare and strategically important space in today's international governance architecture to protect people and the planet. They must be defended and strengthened as a countervailing force to WTO rules.

What should governments do now?

During the preparatory process for, as well as at, the World Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in Johannesburg, the World Summit on Sustainable Development should:

· Reaffirm the authority and autonomy of MEAs; and
· Clarify that the objectives, principles, and provisions of MEAs must not be subordinated to WTO rules.




Signed first by:

Friends of the Earth International
Greenpeace International
Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED)
Norwegian Forum on Development and Environment
Public Services International
Third World Network
Sierra Club
WWF International

Additional Signatories:

11.11.11.- Coalition of the Flemish North-South Movement, Belgium
A l'Ecoute de la Nature, France
Action Canada for Population and Development, Canada
ADOME, France
Advocay for Environmental Restoration Zambia (AREZ)
AGEZ (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Entwicklungszusammenarbeit), Austria
Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN)
Albury-Wodonga Environment Centre, Australia
Allergy, Sensitivity & Environmental Health Association Qld Inc, Australia
Amici della Terra/Friends of the Earth Italy
Anti-Globalisation Network, UK
Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange (APEX)
Attac Austria
Basel Action Network (BAN), US
BC Council for International Cooperation, Canada
Biowatch South Africa
Both ENDS, the Netherlands
Bretton Woods Project, UK
BUND/Friends of the Earth Germany
Campagna per la Riforma della Banca Mondiale/Campaign to Reform the World Bank, Italy
Canadian Council for International Cooperation, Canada
Caroline Lucas, MEP, UK
Center for Development of International Law (CDIL), US
Christenen voor het Socialisme, Belgium
Coalition Clean Baltic - Latvia
CODEFF/Friends of the Earth Chile
Coecoceiba/Friends of the Earth Costa Rica
COS Groningen, the Netherlands
De Kleine Aarde, Centre for Sustainable Lifestyles (The Small Earth), Boxtel, Holland
Die Verbraucher Initiative, Germany
Dodo - Living Nature For The Future, Finland
Earthlife Africa Johannesburg
Ecodesarollo Gaia, Spain
Ecoropa, France
Environmental Center Biostan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Environment Centre of the Northern Territory, Australia
eThekwini ECOPEACE, South Africa
Energy Club, Budapest, Hungary
European Environmental Bureau
Evert Vermeer Foundation, the Netherlands
FAO Community IPM in Indonesia
FERN, Belgium
FIELD (Farmer's Initiatives for Ecological Livelihoods and Democracy), Indonesia
Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto), Finland
"For Civil Society", Kyrgyzstan
For Poole Agenda 21, UK
Forum for Ssytemdebatt/Forum for System Debate, Sweden
Friends of the Earth Cyprus
Friends of the Earth Middle East
Germanwatch e.V., Bonn/Berlin, Germany
Global Cooperation Council
Global Network Against Weapons ans Nuclear Power in Space
Green Alliance, UK
Green Belt Movement, Kenya
Green Cross Sweden
Green Youth of Sweden
Grönfront, the Netherlands
HELIO International
Hnuti DUHA/Friends of the Earth Czech Republic
Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing countries (HIVOS), the Netherlands
Indonesian IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Farmers' Association, Indonesia
Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika (IGLA), Austria
Initiatives de Développement Stratégique - Stratégic Development Initiative (IDS), France
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), US
Institute for Economic Relocalisation, France
Irish Seedsavers Association, Ireland
International NGO Task Group on Legal and Institutional Matters (INTGLIM)
Japan Network on Debt & Poverty, member of ICDA, Japan

KEPA - Service Centre for Development Cooperation, Finland
KFEM(Korean Federation for Environmental Movement), Korea
K.U.L.U. - Women and Development, Denmark
KWIA, Flemish Support Group for Indigenous Peoples, Belgium
Le Forum Maghrébin pour l'environnement et le développement ONG, Morocco
Legambiente, Italy
Les Verts, Morocco
LIVANINGO, Mocambique
Maan Ystävät/Friends of the Earth Finland
MAMA TERRA / For Mother Earth-Romania
Milieudefensie/ Friends of the Earth Netherlands
Mineral Policy Institute, Sydney, Australia
Monitoring Network Health and Environment (Meldpunten Netwerk Gezondheid en Milieu), the Netherlands
Move Your World, the Netherlands
National Toxics Network Inc., Australia
Natur og Ungdom (Nature & Youth), Denmark
Naturhomist International, India
Nea Ecologia-Friends of the Earth Greece
Network for Fresh Water Advocacy, Indonesia
NM Ecoglasnost/FoE Bulgaria
Norwegian Forum on Development and Environment, Norway
Open University, UK
Oxfam International
Pacific Institute of Resource Management, New Zealand
Pasumai Thaayagam (Green Mother Land-NGO), Pakistan
Paul Lannoye, MEP, Belgium
Peaceboat, Japan
Pelum Tanzania Network, Tanzania
Plight of The Redwoods Campaign, USA
Polaris Institute, Canada
Public Services International
Programme Sustainable Development, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Pro Natura/Friends of the Earth Switzerland
Public Citizen, US
Rechord, UK
Robin Harper MSP, Leader of the Scottish Green Party
Senator Andrew Bartlett, Federal Democrat Senator from Queensland, Australia
Social Action Office(CLRIQ), Australia
Socio-Ecological Union International, Russia
Solagral, France
SOMO, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations, the Netherlands
South Hams Sustainable Development Group, UK
Southpanafrican Ghana, European Office
Sustainable Population Australia
Stichting Aarde, the Netherlands
Suedwind NÖ, Austria
Swedish Society for the Conservation of Nature, Sweden
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union, Taiwan
Terra Curanda; Globus, Tilburg University, NL-Argentina
Transnational Institute, the Netherlands
The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)
The Australian Greens, Australia
The Baltic Centre, Riga
The Danish Ecological Council, Denmark
The Danish Society for Conservation of Nature, Denmark
The Danish 92 Group, Denmark
The European Christian Environmental Network (ECEN)
The future in our hands, Sweden
The Green Library, Lund Sweden
The Green Party of South Africa
The Green Socialist Network, UK
The Tasmanian Conservation Trust, Australia
The Women's Alliance of the Netherlands (Vrouwen Alliantie)
Union for Defence of the Aral Sea and Amudarya (UDASA), Uzbekistan
Ukrainian Environment Asociation Zeleny Svit, Ukraine
VABIKU, Austria
VAK Green Center, Latvia
Vereniging INZET, Associations for North-South Campaigns, the Netherlands
VODO (Flemish Platform on Sustainable Development), Belgium
VOICE (Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment), Ireland
WALHI (Indonesian Forum for Environment)/ Friends of the Earth Indonesia
Warwick & Leamington Green Party, UK
Werkgroep Globalisering DD, the Netherlands
Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa
Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, France
Women's Network for Sustainability, Canada
World Federalist Movement
WWF Denmark
"Yanus" Environmental-Legal NGO, Armenia
Young Volunteers for Environment of Togo


    Countries in total: 49, including Argentinia, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Japan, Italy, Kenya, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Ireland, Latvia, Middle East (groups from Israel, Jordan and Palestine), Morocco, Mocambique, Netherlands, Pakistan, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Russia, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Togo, Tanzania, UK, US, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Zambia